Thursday, February 1, 2007

I'm best friends with a penguin, I named him Roger.

Today I went to the zoo. I didn't feel like going to school when I woke up so I went to the zoo. It was snowing, and although I looked everywhere for my hat, all I could find was my grandfather's old fedora, so I wore that. I felt really cool for about an hour but by the time I sat down in front of the penguins all it was doing for me was collecting snow. There was one penguin who stood out among all the ohers. Mostly because when I stood in front of their cage thing he stood with me. It may have been a she, I don't know, but I named him (or her) Roger. You may be wondering how I would be able to tell Roger from the others if I ever went there again, well, do you know how I a lot of people think penguins look like little waiters? Well, Roger actually has a black marking on his neck that looks like a bow tie. Beat that! I now have a place to go whenever I don't feel like going to school. I'll go hang out with Roger.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


My parents named me Fredrick. As soon as I could recognize my name, I knew they hated me. There really isn't that much about me that I would consider interesting, but then again, nobody ever really they're something special. Unless they aren't. Then for some reason they think everybody should know about them. I suppose that's why I never did these blog things before. I always thought them to be slightly egotistical. I mean, who is cocky, or delusional enough to put up their thoughts and feeling out there for everyone to read, as if ANYbody would even care what they think or feel. But here I am, writing this. I think you should know that this wasn't my idea. It was my doctor's. Before we go on any further I feel as though you should know I am not insane. I'm anti-social and have overbearing and worrisome parents. That's the only thing wrong with me, that's why I have a doctor name Bulshev. Sometimes I think he made the name up. It just sounds like a psychiatrist's name. I feel his name was something like Smith, or Bennett before, but decided one day that Bulshev sounded more professional. Well, I suppose that just may be enough of an introduction for now.
